Assignment 4 – Up Justin Thomas 547062 Final game comparison with first game vision I made a small change in the game concept. The first concept was the pla...
This devlog is based on the updates made based on the feedbacks by the testers on assingnment 3 game testing. The first fix made was almost the game testers sai...
In this week's checkpoint its about the UI of the game. In the game it starts with a menu scene which has two buttons which are play button and quit button. Onc...
In this checkpoint I have updated the graphics and the presentation of the game. There is a background sky sprite which follows the player and the background sp...
In my game the enemy is a pad with spikes where when the player comes in contact with the spikes the player dies. When the player dies there is a small explosio...
In devlog 2 its about the game's basic level blocking which is mainly about level generation. In my game the player is supposed to go up to continue the game an...
This is Devlog 1 of assignment 5, and this is the checkpoint for player movement for game project assignment 4. The first checkpoint was to check the player mov...